『カーエアコンバルブコアR134a R12クイックリムーバーインストーラ低圧冷媒フロンアダプターキットバルブコアリムーバーツール』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-198da2a4dcから出品され、986の入札を集めて05月24日 04時 43分に、2,927円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は2,927円でした。岐阜県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
説明 R134a - Air Condithoning Valve Core Remover Tool High Low Pressure Auto Air Conditioning Repair Tool for Standard & Jra Valve Core Couplers Professional Auto A/C Repair Tools - Automotive air conditioning valve core leakage can use this tool to replace the new valve core the refrigerant in the air conditioning system will not leak and there is no need to re-vacuum and add the refrigerant to refuel. Widely Applicable - The automotive AC valve core remover and installer tool set is suitable説明 R134a - Air Condithoning Valve Core Remover Tool High Low Pressure Auto Air Conditioning Repair Tool for Standard & Jra Valve Core Couplers Professional Auto A/C Repair Tools - Automotive air conditioning valve core leakage can use this tool to replace the new valve core the refrigerant in the air conditioning system will not leak and there is no need to re-vacuum and add the refrigerant to refuel. Widely Applicable - The automotive AC valve core remover and installer tool set is suitable for R134A and R1234YF automotive air conditioning systems and is compatible with standard JRA and Schrader valves; Ideal for auto air condition household air conditioner. Please check the car model carefully before use to avoid mistakes. High Quality - The valve core remover and installer tool kit is made of solid and sturdy metal materials reliable and durable. The parts are oil resistant impact resistant corrosion resistant waterproof not easy to chip and break which supports long time application. Easy Installation - Only takes a few minutes to complete the removal or installation process; Organized in an impact-resistant ABS case for easy storage. Fit for R134A R1234YF R22 valve core removal tool a/c valve core removal tool Hvac valve; Compatible with standard JRA and schrader valves. but you will need to use a dab of vacuum grease on the end of the probe to insure that the schrader valve stays attached to it during core removal.
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