『【輸入盤CD】【新品】Marc Almond / Tenement Symphony (Expanded Version)【K2023/10/13発売】(マーク・アーモンド)』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-198da2a4dcから出品され、819の入札を集めて06月05日 05時 25分に、4,282円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は4,282円でした。福島県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
First ever expanded edition of Marc Almonds landmark seventh studio album. Originally released in 1991 Tenement Symphony, a collaboration with Trevor Horn yielded no less than three Top 40 UK hits! With a second bonus CD of remixes, extended versions, lesser heard 7" variants of the albums singles including Marcs joyous cover version of Madonnas Like A Prayer, a previously unheard John Coxon 12" mix of My Hand Over My Heart and the 7" edit of the shelved fourth single from the album, What Is Love? Plus a 32-page booklet full of lyrics, photos and listening notes. This remastered set has the actual Trevor Horn produced Tenement Symphony sequence restored as was his original intention with the dramatic statement of the orchestral Prelude as a precursor to the intoxicating energy of lead hit single, Jacky, as written by Jacques Brel. Tenement Symphony was an attempt to make the definitive Almond album as masterminded by Warner Music UKs Rob Dickins. The effect of the album was meant to be like looking through the windows of different rooms in a tenement building and hearing a bouquet of narrative songs about disparate characters residing therein. It saw the first post-breakup rekindling of the songwriting partnership with Soft Cells Dave Ball (with The Grids Richard Norris) on the three techno-torch tracks Meet Me In My Dream, Ive Never Seen Your Face and UK hit My Hand Over My Heart. It was an album that also featured three co-writes with Marcs long-standing collaborator and arranger Billy McGee (Marc & The Mambas, The Willing Sinners) on the emotionally charged tracks Vaudeville & Burlesque, Beautiful Brutal Thing and Champagne. Complementing the 11 tracks of the original album on CD 1 are a collection of songs which were used as B-sides to the different formats of the albums three hit singles, Jacky (UK#17), My Hand Over My Heart (UK#33) and The Days Of Pearly Spencer (UK#4). Many of these B-sides evidence such stellar songwriting quality that they could have easily created a double album back in the day to showcase all the contemporaneous contributing talents of Trevor Horn, The Grid, John Coxon and Billy McGee. The specially expanded CD1 provides a glimpse into how such a release might actually have panned out.発売日: 2023/10/13輸入盤UKレーベル: Sfe収録曲: 1.1 i) Prelude1.2 (ii) Jacky1.3 (iii) What Is Love?1.4 (iv) Trois Chansons De Bilitis - Extract1.5 (v) The Days Of Pearly Spencer1.6 (vi) My Hand Over My Heart1.7 Meet Me In My Dream1.8 Beautiful Brutal Thing1.9 I’ve Never Seen Your Face1.10 Vaudeville ; Burlesque1.11 Champagne1.12 Bruises1.13 Deadly Serenade1.14 Deep Night (7” Mix)1.15 A Love Outgrown1.16 Night And No Morning1.17 Money For Love (Ennio Mix)2.1 Jacky (Youth 7” Remix)2.2 My Hand Over My Heart (Single Mix)2.3 The Days Of Pearly Spencer (The German 7” Mix)2.4 What Is Love? (7” Edit)2.5 Like A Prayer2.6 Jacky (Youth 12” Remix)2.7 My Hand Over My Heart (Grit And Glitter Mix)2.8 Dancing In A Golden Cage2.9 Deep Night (12” Mix)2.10 Money For Love (Fiddle Mix)2.11 Jacky (Alpine Dub)2.12 My Hand Over My Heart (John Coxon 12” Mix)2.13 Dancing In A Golden Cage (Reflection In A Golden Eye)コメント: First ever expanded edition of Marc Almonds landmark seventh studio album. Originally released in 1991 Tenement Symphony, a collaboration with Trevor Horn yielded no less than three Top 40 UK hits! With a second bonus CD of remixes, extended versions, lesser heard 7" variants of the albums singles including Marcs joyous cover version of Madonnas Like A Prayer, a previously unheard John Coxon 12" mix of My Hand Over My Heart and the 7" edit of the shelved fourth single from the album, What Is Love? Plus a 32-page booklet full of lyrics, photos and listening notes. This remastered set has the actual Trevor Horn produced Tenement Symphony sequence restored as was his original intention with the dramatic statement of the orchestral Prelude as a precursor to the intoxicating energy of lead hit single, Jacky, as written by Jacques Brel. Tenement Symphony was an attempt to make the definitive Almond album as masterminded by Warner Music UKs Rob Dickins. The effect of the album was meant to be like looking through the windows of different rooms in a tenement building and hearing a bouquet of narrative songs about disparate characters residing therein. It saw the first post-breakup rekindling of the songwriting partnership with Soft Cells Dave Ball (with The Grids Richard Norris) on the three techno-torch tracks Meet Me In My Dream, Ive Never Seen Your Face and UK hit My Hand Over My Heart. It was an album that also featured three co-writes with Marcs long-standing collaborator and arranger Billy McGee (Marc & The Mambas, The Willing Sinners) on the emotionally charged tracks Vaudeville & Burlesque, Beautiful Brutal Thing and Champagne. Complementing the 11 tracks of the original album on CD 1 are a collection of songs which were used as B-sides to the different formats of the albums three hit singles, Jacky (UK#17), My Hand Over My Heart (UK#33) and The Days Of Pearly Spencer (UK#4). Many of these B-sides evidence such stellar songwriting quality that they could have easily created a double album back in the day to showcase all the contemporaneous contributing talents of Trevor Horn, The Grid, John Coxon and Billy McGee. The specially expanded CD1 provides a glimpse into how such a release might actually have panned out.
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